goBIKE Solution 2

Currently, Savannah faces many issues regarding transportation. Cyclists have minimum infrastructure for biking. The majority of cyclists feel unsafe riding and there is an intolerance between drivers and cyclists. Savannah has growing congestion issues and lack of parking.
We developed three solutions to address the existing issues. The Map+App provides a convenient wayfinding solution for cyclists to get familiar with the existing infrastructure and effective routes to follow to reach their destination. The marketing campaign creates awareness of cycling, its benefits and its existence. The Bike Quiz prompts drivers to get acquainted with bycicling laws. 
In our first co-creation session we introduced our clients to the concept of service design, its main characteristics and our methods of research, including the double diamond process. John Bennett, Executive Director of the Savannah Bike Campaign, talked about the organization and about the achievements of Savannah as a bicycling city and what the city’s goals should be moving forward. We then proceeded to co-creating a SWOT analysis, identifying the city’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats towards reaching our goal of “providing an environment that is safe, convenient and appealing for all levels of cyclists”. After reflecting individually, we led a group discussion where new facts and observations emerged. Our session ended by communicating our next steps to our clients and our intentions of conducting further research. 
We presented the clients with our field research, which included the recognition of the four target groups, their respective personas, and key insights and quotes from the interviews. We then introduced the service package which showed the core, facilitating, enhancing, and differentiating services. We had identified six main strategic problems which resulted from our research, and we presented these to the clients, selecting three to focus our brainstorming activity on. The brainstorming activity was introduced, which was mindmapping, and then each individual had time to complete the mind map with the given random word and choose two words generated by this method to come up with solutions to the prompted question. We then went around the table and shared our solutions, sparking discussion and building on each other’s ideas.  
We developed 6 holistic concepts which we presented to our clients, highlighting their goals and benefits. These concepts were accompanied by short videos which narrated the customer experience of the new concept. After presenting the concept and taking a few minutes to discuss it as a group, we ranked each of the concepts using the N.U.F matrix. Ranking them versus giving them a certain value allowed us to easily identify which concepts we considered as superior to the others.
Goal: Create a sense of community between our personas, and citizens of Savannah.
Benefit: Inform the society about the laws and benefits for cycling campaign.
A multi-media campaign focusing on the message: “We belong on the streets too”. 
Goal: Create a sense of community between our personas, and citizens of Savannah
Benefit: Free streets to ride bike, local business promotions, local artists, family activities
Through the event local businesses will be promoted and the community will come together to enjoy the infrastructure. The event could have space for children and families. Options include weekly, bi-weekly or monthly
Goal: Make information available for all bicyclists in Savannah
Benefit: Make people familiar with the infrastructure of Savannah and have a physical copy and digital about this informational.
Option 1: Map can be printed and dispersed locally in tourists centers, bike shops and government buildings. Option 2: Build an app and Online interactive version with pictures, videos and links to destination’s websites. The users could download this app through the city website and already see what’s is happen in the city.
Goal: Create more visual corridors of safe travel
Benefit: Connections between bike lane, increase safety and accessibility.
Savannah creates routes of bike lanes throughout the city. Each route will be designated with a color to create a more friendly environment. New Bike lanes could be created to connect these areas. Bike Routes will be visually coded. Methods could include pavement markings or signs. A map could be used to display the routes. 
Goal: Create a designated spot for cyclists and their bicycles.
Benefit: Foster belongingness and comfort while beautifying Savannah.
The city will place more “urban furniture” (bicycle racks, repair stations, benches) on streets, near squares and downtown. The streets will appear neater and clearer. It prevents damage to both bicycles, signs and trees.
Goal: To educate the citizens of Savannah on bicycle laws.
Benefit: More informed motorists who respect cyclist in Savannah.
Our idea is to promote bicycle laws and reach uninformed motorists. To educate motorists on bicycle safety laws, a quiz would be created. To increase participation we propose rewarding motorists who take the quiz. Our plan involves waiving the fee on a single parking ticket if motorists pass the quiz. This option will only be available once. 
•Provides an effective loop route to see all interest points safely.
•Highlights crucial information needed for tourist bicyclists such as: bike racks, safe roads, unsafe roads and points of interest.
•Informed tourists with knowledge of existing bicycle infrastructure and able to take advantage of it.
•Provides a more efficient and entertaining way of seeing downtown than walking.
An app that allows communication between members of the bicycling community of Savannah. 
•Community reported alerts, accidents, hazards, road conditions.
•Community builds most popular routes around you, ranked by stars
•Within your screen, see safe and unsafe roads color coded.
•Record your own routes and share with others
•See friend’s frequently used routes, real-time drive and estimated time of arrival.
•Builds and strengthens our biking community
•Less experienced riders have access to knowledge of experienced riders
goBIKE Solution 2

goBIKE Solution 2

goBIKE is a co created project with the goal to provide a safe, convenient and appealing environment for all level of cyclists in Savannah, GA.
