"90 Designs, 51 Artists, 1 Video"
Glassfin collaborated with 51 artists to make 1 awesome mash-up promo video that consists of 90 designs revolving around the Coca-Cola contour bottle that we all recognize & love (it's also the contour bottle's 100th anniversary this year)!
I had the chance to take part in this collaboration and submitted one still image.
This design doesn't really have a theme as I began without a sketch and just add whatever I feel like adding into it.
It kinds of revolve around more tropical colors.
This is the final design :
The Progress :
You can take a look at the video below, my work appeared around the 0:46 mark.
Glad to be able to take part in this fun project :)
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Illustration for Malaysia 5th Annual Coca-cola collector Fair 2015.

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