Perfil de David Colbran

Public sector strike, Liverpool, England, Nov 30th 2011

Public sector strike, Liverpool Nov 30th
photographs from picket lines and rally
In Liverpool, picket lines were in place outside the vast majority of public buildings in the city centre. These included the Town Hall, the central council offices, schools, colleges and universities. All the ferry and tunnel services were closed and over 15 000 people marched through the city centre and were applauded by members of the general public in the shopping district. At a rally at St Georges Hall, the crowds were addresses by trade union leaders, student representatives and the National Pensioners Organisation. Martin Kelsey (Home Office North West and a member of the PCS North West Regional Committee) hosted the speakers and provided some final words to close before some live music was played as the crowd dispersed.

Images by Liverpool freelance photographer David J Colbran - please do not use without permission
Public sector strike, Liverpool, England, Nov 30th 2011


Public sector strike, Liverpool, England, Nov 30th 2011

Liverpool photographer covered the public sector strikes, picket lines and rally in the city centre


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