Endangered Blue is a series of limited edition Art/Science prints created for the Nabokov Museum. The project supports the conservation of American Blue butterflies. Vladimir Nabokov, author of Lolita, discovered the Karner Blue butterfly in New York. These works, dedicated to Nabokov's scientific discovery, are exhibited in the reconstructed library of the Nabokovs' St. Petersburg palace. Nabokovs' library was destroyed in the Bolshevik Revolution. The Nabokov Museum re-created this special library based upon a single remaining photograph.

Science collaborators include the American Museum of Natural History, and the Essig Museum of Entomology at the University of California, Berkeley. Field research was conducted with Directors of Conservation at the Albany Pine Bush Preserve in New York State and the New Hampshire Pine Bush.

Endangered Blue opened in April, 2015 and remains in the library on permanent display.
Endangered Blue 2015

Endangered Blue 2015

Endangered Blue is a series of Art and Science prints created for the conservation of American Blue butterflies. This project opened in April, 20 자세히 보기
