Trav White's profile

LAGA INDUSTRIES - T-Shake & Break | Activation

The Playground was asked by T-Shake to re-brand the once adored ice cream of PNG. The brand had been chilling for years but now only resonated with old folks. Our purpose was to sprinkle a bit of youth onto T-Shake and win the hearts and minds of kids, serving up T-shake Ice Cream on their radar.
The Challenge was concocting a credible way to relate to kids on their level. So the playground ventured to the schools of PNG to see what the hell these kids were in to. After 2 weeks of research it was clear, they loved bumpin’ music in their ears and a dance in their step.
And so “TSHAKE AND BREAK!” was born. A sales and marketing platform experienced through multimedia to ignite kids passion for T-Shake and to shift more product. Over the next 3 weeks we sprung 37 schools armed with an arsenal of pro break-dancers to shake up lunchtime. We signed the kids up to the Break Dance competition and ransacked the school tuck-shops so they were filled to the brim with T-shake. After signing up over 22,000 kids, we head to the city lights of Port Moresby’s to host the comp at their largest shopping centre. After 2 days of intense break dancing a young 7-year-old village boy, named Steven, took out the hotly contested title.
• Over 5000 T-shakes sampled
• Over 300,000 T shakes sold throughout the
campaign creating a revenue of K600,000
• 34,500 interactions on social media
• Plenty of PR across local newspapers and on television.
And 1 young winner Stevie… The champion returned to school with free T-shake for his classmates and a brand spankin’ new fridge for their tuck-shop. Talk about being the popular kid! And of course T-Shake is once again adored by a new generation of Papua New Guineans.
LAGA INDUSTRIES - T-Shake & Break | Activation

LAGA INDUSTRIES - T-Shake & Break | Activation

A campaign I ran in PNG for Laga Industires
