Martin Venesky-esque
USFSP Assignment
Graphic Design I
Matthew Normand
A poster promoting a pseudo design exhibit at USFSP of "the most incredible graphic design on earth", with Martin Venezky as the guest speaker. Working in another artist's style can allow a different perspective on design to become clear and identified. Through this poster, I gathered an understanding to an approach that is not commonly practiced in the design field, execution before conception. An approach often practiced by Venezky, one could say its poetic nature spoke to me. I started with material exploration and then took photographs of the work in order to find the "story in the process", as Jon Sueda puts it. That really was the point of this assignment, to expand one's design horizon through the knowledge of another's.


A response to a USFSP graphic design assignment requiring a poster promoting "A Display of the Most Incredible Graphic Design on Earth".


Creative Fields