Профиль Sherman Hu

Acting School Website, YouTube & SEO Campaign


The Actors Foundry is a renowned Vancouver acting school offering workshops and classes for actors from Vancouver, LA and everywhere else. The instructors are working professionals and industry professionals, film directors, casting directors, working actors and casting agents often refer actors to take acting classes and workshops from the Foundry.

Through one degree of separation, one of the principals of the company sought me out to assist in their website makeover and web presence on Google.

Though their previous website leveraged WordPress as a Content Management System, their brand treatment was underwhelming, in comparison to their vision. What you see now is a makeover that fits their first class teaching staff, philosophy and future plans for the studio. The principals and instructors are thrilled and proud of their new home.

Furthermore, I've been retained to produce all the sliders you see on the home page.

Actors like Brandon Jay McLaren of AMC's The Killing frequent The Actor's Foundry, and in this video, he speaks on the impact that Matthew Harrison and the Actor's Foundry have had and continue to have on his career.

Knowing the history of professional working actors who credit The Actor's Foundry with helping their start in their careers, and the desire of the principals to strengthen their web presence, I consulted the strategy and execution of a YouTube video marketing campaign to attract and engage students-to-be to book into their workshops. Unsure of exact numbers, but they've boosted their YouTube subscriber and Facebook Page Like/Friend numbers.

At present, the Foundry is witness to their web marketing working to grow their subscriber base and consistently selling out their acting classes.

One of the marketing initiatives for the Foundry is to achieve strong exposure on Google. They did not appear on Page 1 of Google for their important search phrases prior to my consulting.

As of this date (11.25.2011) of screen capture, they appear on Page 1 of Google for "vancouver acting school" amidst 1,840,000 search engine result pages (SERPs). 

As of this date (11.25.2011) of screen capture, they appear on Page 1 of Google for "vancouver acting workshops" amidst 1,090,000 search engine result pages (SERPs). 

As of this date (11.25.2011) of screen capture, they appear on Page 1 of Google for "vancouver acting classes" amidst 258,000 search engine result pages (SERPs).

Our next initiative is to optimize their Google Places listing (map listings) so it appears on Page 1 of Google also.

Acting School Website, YouTube & SEO Campaign

Acting School Website, YouTube & SEO Campaign

The Actor's Foundry is a renowned acting school offering acting classes and workshops to actors in Vancouver, LA and elsewhere in the world. They Развернуть

