In America there is a gun for every woman, man, and child. As a former Marine I don't believe in restricting our constitutional rights, but holy shit with the gun related violence in this county, especially as it pertains to children, isn't it time we pull our heads out of our asses. I think so.
Poster body copy: In the next 3 hours, another bullet will leave a child dead. And another opportunity to stop this preventable tragedy will be lost. Common sense legislation can change this. We’re not calling for restrictions on our Constitutional Rights, only for the right to save lives. We are not anti-gun. We’re pro-life. Get involved.
Thank you for your appreciation!
Stop Handgun Violence
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Stop Handgun Violence

In America there is a gun for every woman, man, and child. As a former Marine I don't believe in restricting our constitutional rights, but holy 詳細を表示

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