Sarah Dalley's profile

Dogs Bollocks - Tipp-Ex

The Brief - To re-brand an existing well-known brand.

The Concept - To re-design the product of Tipp-Ex to make it easier to the consumer to use. To bring Tip-Ex to a younger more diverse audience.

The Solution - I have redesigned the Tipp-Ex pen so that it applies easier to paper.The nib is now wide and stright following the design of the body of the pen. This enables the consumer to create a nice, smooth straight line rather than a blobby mess.
I have brought the product to a younger audience with the idea of 'erasing lifes mistakes'. This can refer to an ex-boyfriend, a bad photo, or a spelling mistake. This will be carried through, on packaging and it will also go onto to social media sites as an add-on.

You will be able to have an add-on on social media sites where you can 'Tipp-Ex' any photos you upload or are tagged in. So, you know that awful photo from last night where you were a bit drunk? Well now you can Tipp-Ex it out!
There will also be adds on social media advertiding the new Tipp-Ex campaign. It will pick up the last photo you were tagged in and Tipp-Ex something out from it. This will, hopefully, confuse the user so they will click on the add where it will then take you through to the link where you can download the add-on.
Dogs Bollocks - Tipp-Ex

Dogs Bollocks - Tipp-Ex

To rebrand an existing well-known brand. I chose to rebrand Tipp-Ex
