Profilo di Tom Bourke

Google+ Social Playbook

Google Social Playbook
Print piece to promote the use of Google+ in business

Google wanted a printed book showcasing the value of social media, particularly Google+, to businesses.
The cover was initially blank. A set of stickers of everyday objects — from road signs to USB leads included with the book took the form of the letters: P, L, A, Y, B, O & K. The reader was encouraged to arrange ‘PLAYBOOK’ in whatever manner they wished. Their cover was then to be shared via social media using the #SocialPlaybook. The concept was to illustrate the diversity and community aspects of social media.

[Additional letter illustrations by Sarah McGinty]
Google+ Social Playbook

Google+ Social Playbook

Google wanted a printed book showcasing the value of social media, in particular Google+, to businesses. The cover was initially blank. A set o Leggi di più
