Sterling Wolf 님의 프로필

Here's Johnny! (Map Painting)

As someone born and raised in Blanco County, Shelley Duvall has long since been a staple of our community as the enigmatic and more than a little unhinged seeming local former celeb.

Many theorize that her role in the Shining had a lot to do with the shattering of her fragile mental state. As such, I thought it would be fun to paint Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson's character" bursting through the door in the infamous "Here's Johnny!" scene. I assumed it only fitting to digitally paint him over a Blanco, TX topographical map as if he were bursting into our town to continually haunt Shelley.
Here's Johnny! (Map Painting)

Here's Johnny! (Map Painting)

A Photoshop painting of Jack Torrance from the Shining in his iconic scene breaking through the door painted over a Blanco, TX topographical map 자세히 보기
