As a student I always seem to find myself low on cash (especially since I study graphic design and that can be quite costly) so this year I designed a little easter card to give to my friends and family.
Typography + hand generated type = a happy kimberley :D
The card was originally meant to have colour but my printer only has black ink at the moment (need to buy more) and I didn't want to go to a commercial printers as this was just a little thing I did for fun. Honestly I prefer it in black and white. Keeping things simple filters out the unnecessary and the pastel coloured card is very spring like. I originally drew this by hand and then edited it through illustrator to get the desired look (I did replace some parts with fonts because i am a bit of a perfectionist). Everybody seems to like it and i saved some money but most of all i'm glad i gave everybody something from the heart.
concept = hand generated typography with words related to easter (more of a style but hey this was a bit of side work) 
Feel free to let me know what you think. Kim xxx
The card
The original drawings 
Typographic easter card

Typographic easter card

Just a little hand generated typographic card I made for my friends and family. Happy Easter :)
