Profil Tamer AslanProfil Pietro Naoni

Cricket: Active Gear for Active Travel

Cricket: Active Gear for Active TravelDomus Academy, 2011
Project Group: Maria Paz Ramirez Tealdo, Pietro Naoni, Tamer Aslan, Noor Yamani, Jon Vaughan

What is Cricket?
The majority of people travel to see or experience one specific destination. In doing this, the traveler is unaware of what is around them because they are more focused on reaching the final destination. Cricket is a portable travel companion that aims to change this by making the traveler more aware of his environment and the things around him. 

The Project:
Cricket is the result of a collaboration between three interaction and two business designers. The brief had two key points: Providing a new solution for making travelling more active and engaging; and using open design philosophy and crowd sourcing to develop new business models. The first one was accomplished by reflecting the feeling of discovery through an intuitional navigation device. For the second one, the project was developed as a Kickstarter campaign, employing the style and the business modality to communicate the concept to the people. 

A screenshot of the designed KickStarter page can be reached here:
Concept Details:

KickStarter Video:
Cricket: Active Gear for Active Travel

Cricket: Active Gear for Active Travel

Cricket is an intuitional travelers companion for discovering places of interest in a non-disturbing way. As a project, it is open source and bas Další informace
