This is a paper reproduction of the most successful (and depressing) products of the 20th century — the AK-47 (Awtomat Kalaschnikowa). The AK-47 is archetypal of the dark side of the product design world, fueling conflicts throughout the globe. Yet this iconic machinegun has an instantly recognizable design which conveys a strange beauty. Being made out of paper, the function of the weapon is removed, using the empty paper shell to play with the power its aesthetics.
This is my hommage to the excellent statement made by Postler Ferguson. All parts are entirely made out of paper. After having completed the work, this is the best stage in the process — Where the 'weapon of mass creation' is left dismantled.
Papercraft AK-47

Papercraft AK-47

This is a paper reproduction of the most successful (and depressing) products of the 20th century — the AK-47 (Awtomat Kalaschnikowa). The AK-47 閱讀更多

