Competition Brief
Celebrating Welsh Poet Dylan Thomas. The breif was to create three book cover designs for his books, Under the Milk Wood, Selected Poems and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog. They each had to convey the story of the book but also be able in a way work togther as part of a series.
Under the Milk Wood Idea
My idea for this cover came from the when I read the synopsis for the book. Under the Milk Wood when reading the synopsis is about a town under a dream like state, which I thought if visually done would represent the book well and also give me plenty of opportunity to how I could visulaise a town under a dream state.
Deciding in the end to do something that would resemble the northen lights, something quite mystical. 

Selected Poems Idea
When coming up for ideas this book was the hardest for me. The others gave clues and hints to what could be done with the design, however this was as stated just a collection of peoms. So for the design I came up with the idea of using a microphone and a on air sign after researching Dylan Thomas and how he used to read his poems over the radio.
Portrait of the Artsist as a Young Dog Idea
With such a long a distictive name coming up with a fresh new idea for this book was near to impossible. So instead of attempting to try and do something completely different I thought it would be best to try try and put my spin on the design. 
Having a smiling Dog with a bow-tie standing on a grassy hill.
 As a Series
I wanted to keep the layout as triditional as possible since the designs I were aiming for were going to be visually quite heavy. This way as a product when a person went to buy the book they wouldnt be over loaded with a eccentric layout and design. Also in keeping the design simple it would be one way of linking them togther as a series. The other suttle though it may be way to have the visuals done in the same illustrative style.
Dylan Thomas Competition

Dylan Thomas Competition

Dylan Thomas Competition


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