At Sapient we were hired to do a full redesign of As Information Architect, I was put in charge of designing the shopping experience, the in-house IA took the rest. I'll include one of the four key pages here, the phone selection page (which of course had a bunch of details and variations). I also worked heavily on the design of the home page. I worked with a very talented pair of graphic designers on all of this.
The wireframe for the phone selection page. I worked hard on what I called "passive comparison" �" freezing certain areas in certain places on the screen so that as a user clicked around between phones, comparing feature lists would be easy. (See the Feature Comparison section). The graphic design that came out of this is below.
Much prettier than the wireframe, of course.
This was a graphic-design-led effort. I napkin-sketched the layout and worked through it with them.


Wireframing work for Nextel, mostly around ecommerce shopping experience
