Our products are very often based on materials that have lost their original use and
cannot be recycled because it is viewed as a waste of time, energy and money.
Every material has its own unique value – it is not so important whether it is a useless
piece of plastic, plywood or other surplus material. We use imagination and context to
find new uses for these materials. Taking such a “daring” look at the material allows for
very surprising results and unique products.
Presented here is a prototype model of a floor lamp remodelled from recycled manikins
found outside clothes shops. We recreated the full value of what was previously a piece of
waste and reintroduced it to the marketplace.
Designed with Pure Honest Passion.
Positiv Leg Lamp

Positiv Leg Lamp

Presented here is a prototype model of a floor lamp remodelled from recycled manikins found outside clothes shops.
