Project done for Venice Cityvision Competition (2011)

The aim of the project was to develop visionary urban proposals with the intention of stimulating and supporting the contemporary city, in this case Venice. Through innovative ideas and methodologies which can improve the connection between the historical, present, and future city.
Group Members:
Jarosław Szewczyk
Ada Bartkowska
Ewa Zwierzchowska
Tomasz Tymiński
Michał Kulesza
Marek Ejsztet
Piotr Matuszek
Concept Description
Urban Evolution Scheme
Venice Issues Scheme
Project Boards' Details 
Both Boards
Project was awarded with FARM Special Prize
Project featured at: (click for website)

Archdaily  the world's most visited architecture website

Archinect  top online destination for progressive-design oriented students, architects, educators, and fans

Bustler online publication for competition and event listings in the architecture and design industries

ArchitectureLinked  the architecture social network

CityVision Magazine issue 4 autumn 2011  independent architecture stuff

Farm Cultural Park Exhibition exhibition of project boards in Farm Cultural Park @ Sicily, Italy
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