The stamp is a signature. That’s the sentence that best summarizes this project. At first, I wanted a way to approach the offline world. Something like a business card, only classier, cheaper and environment friendly. So a stamp (carimbo) was the choice. A stamp to identify me and my work and take it everywhere. A signature.
The inner part represents my confusing and beautiful creative process, while the round frame wraps it up in fluidity and gives it purpose. These two combined build a texture the ink can flow through, providing the perfect support to my personal brand. At last, Minion Pro gracefully writes my contact information.
Measuring 3.81 x 3.81 cm (1½ x 1½), this stamp was made to fit anywhere, from Post-its to envelopes, and yet bear appropriate readability. It’s a point to attract the eye and it’s a circle to seize space.



A stamp to identify me and my work and take it everywhere. A signature.
