This poster was made for an project given by Bart de Baets. Based on a chosen song my collegues had to create each four different materials ( 4/5 small imagery, 1 big imagery,  typography based artwork, small text or a qoute) for the poster I in the end have created. 
Sideline Story by J.Cole
I like to think that the way I look at things are often different. The same goes for this song. Altho I have mixed feelings I often listen to this particular song when I feel down, sad or sometimes “funerable” because this song makes me think and get out of that fase. With funerable I mean when I am in a fase where I worry about something or someone. While the song isn’t necessarily about what I want it to be about, it is giving me a certain feeling and what I take from it every time is more important to me that what it actually means. I already know that this song will not be having the same meaning to someone else so that is a big reason why I don’t sing this song out loud. It sounds a bit dark and sad, but it reminds me of somethings I experienced. 
Listening to this song to me is a way of saying things I normally won’t say because it is not the who I am. For that reason I find it comforting.
Images provided by Fay Asselbergs 
Image provided by Laura de Rijk 

Typography provided by Haru Jinhye Lee 

This poster was made so it doesn't have an up or downside
but simply can be rotated in every way you'd like.
This also makes it a bit more fun for the one that put's up the poster. 
Small text provided by Jamie de Rooij
Sideline Story


Sideline Story

This poster made based on J.Cole's Sideline Story.
