Illustration Collection
2011–2013  /  Digital Painting, Pen & Ink
A compilation of various illustrations that I created while studying Graphic Design at Conestoga College.
A page from my second-year illustration book, The Colours of Spring, a story about an Inuit toddler who is experiencing spring from the first time.
A page from my second-year illustration book, The Colours of Spring, a story about an Inuit toddler who is experiencing spring from the first time.
An illustration from first-year for my poetry children's book, Sensational: Poems Inspired by the Five Senses. The illustration style was based off of Polish street artist Otecki.
A personal illustration based off of the artistic style of Polish street artist Otecki.
A Burrowing Owl, a Great Horned Owl, and an Eastern Screech Owl, respectively.
A collection of Russian Nesting Dolls for my first-year illustration class titled, Woodland Children.


Illustrations from my time enrolled at Conestoga College.
