Conestoga College's student association, Conestoga Students Inc (CSI), is a non-profit organization that is governed by eight student-elected Board of Directors each year. After a poor turnout of candidates in 2013, the Communications Team at CSI decided it was time to change how we advertised these positions.

Working with Zack Dodge (Communications Coordinator) and Tom Orendi (Communications & Media Producer), we agreed that students may not be aware of the many beneficial reasons to run as a BOD candidate. With this knowledge, we developed the six main "reasons" why students should participate:

DIRECTION – “To guide my college career in the right direction”
COMMUNITY – “To give back to my college community”
ACCOUNTABILITY – “To be accountable for the actions of my student association”
INFLUENCE – “To have a direct influence on my college experience”
EXPERIENCE – “To gain hands-on experience in leadership and business”
NETWORKING – “To connect me to a network that will help me realize my future”

As the primary designer of this project, I created this campaign to fit the current brand guidelines of CSI as well as to clearly communicate to students the benefits of becoming a BOD. Since there are definitely many more reasons why this is a great oppourtunity, I gave each reason a designated number that demonstrates in a cheeky manner that there could be upwards of 36+ "reasons".

This campaign led to a record-breaking number of BOD candidates for CSI.
Reasons to Run

Reasons to Run

The official recruitment campaign for Conestoga Students Inc's Board of Directors, which lead to the highest number of student applicants ever!
