Perfil de Sharon Archer-Thomas

Advanced Vector Portraits - Video Course

In June 2014, Tuts+ published my second video course, Advanced Vector Portraits. I wanted to create a course after Vector Portraits for Beginners to show people how to create a vector portrait from a stock image, but without it being a carbon copy. I think a lot of vector portraits you find are duplicates of what you find on the original photograph and this course was designed to show you how to go beyond this portrait prison.
As with all my courses, they're for Adobe Illustrator users who have a firm grasp of the software and want to push their vector art further.
There are two projects in the course: creating a monochrome portrait with free flowing hair and create a manipulated, pink haired portrait. 
The first project, creating a monochrome portrait - a great starting project for those easing into going beyond a stock image.
The second portrait is a manipulated one, with big cartoon eyes and pink hair. You originally manipulate the stock image in Adobe Photoshop to prevent your final result looking like a carbon copy.
Advanced Vector Portraits: Welcome & Course overview
When I wrote a promotional tutorial for Advanced Vector Portraits, I created a bonus free to view written tutorial on creating a Frozen inspired portrait. It uses the same manipulated techniques as the second project in the course does and gives you come insight into what I'll be showing you in my course.
Advanced Vector Portraits - Video Course

Advanced Vector Portraits - Video Course

Advanced Vector Portraits, a video course for Tuts+.
