A New Level Of Making
Olá - a Portuguese ice cream brand – launched Magnum Gold nationwide and we made it look like a Hollywood movie.
First, Lisbon and Oporto received a high confidential teaser: 20 promoters, dressed in black carried an unidentified golden suitcase. The goal was to pretend to carry something extremely precious! The suitcases were kept in a safe in two different shopping centers and then, the real Hollywood action occurred:  A professional team staged a burglary by emerging from the ceiling and stole the new Magnum Gold. After the show, they closed the safes and challenged people to guess the correct code to open the safe. Those who guessed it right could try the new ice cream. 

A Mustard fez do lançamento do novo Magnum Gold, um verdadeiro filme.
Lisboa e Porto receberam um teaser altamente confidencial:  Vinte promotores, vestidos de preto, transportavam uma mala dourada não identificada, simulando o transporte de algo extremamente valioso. As malas foram entregues a dois cofres que estavam no Centro Comercial Vasco da Gama e Norte Shopping.  A verdadeira acção começou com uma equipa a simular um assalto, estes surgem do tecto suspensos em cordas e “roubam” o Olá Magnum Gold.
Depois do assalto, fecharam os cofres e as pessoas tiveram a oportunidade de tentar adivinhar o código que abria o cofre. Quem acertasse no código recebia o novo Magnum Gold.


English_ Olá - a Portuguese ice cream brand – launched Magnum Gold nationwide and we made it look like a Hollywood movie. First, Lisbon and Oport Mehr anzeigen
