Sergio Chavess profil

Tales for Kids with Beards -The app

"Butrón, Tales for kids with beards"
UPDATE!! "Butrón, cuentos para niños con barba" (Butrón, tales for kids with beards). Is Live on itunes, for ipad, and you can download it here (I'm not sure if it has region restrictions or anything like it, so try it :D) or you can see it web-based here.
This was a big project for me and now that it has finally launched (actually launched in December but I was travelling at the time), I want to show you the illustrations and some details of the images (there are many images, so keep scrolling). My creative process is pretty much the same as what I have shown in other projects, so lets just concentrate on the juiciness :D. Be sure to download the app in the links below to get this really cool story in full (hope your spanish is brushed up!). 
"Cuentos para niños con Barba" is a transmedia project form Colombian Author David Rios. You can download the app here, and catch up with new content here. There's also a web version here.
The prologue
The app serves as a showcase for the starting elements of the story of captain Butrón (first chapters in different media formats and some goodies :D). The developement of the story and the fate of Butrón, and the several other intriguing characters in this universe, will be constantly updated in a variety of media (there's animation, there's poetry, there's plush-toys, you name it). The prologue is an illustrated short e-book -the illustrations for it can be seen in this other behance project of mine-. The author required a "splash screen" for the user to access the e-book.
The map
This map allows you to navigate through the contents of the app. You can see the town of Blauburg and the other relevant spots of the story, which I'm not going to spoil for you :D
The audio
The strong and beautiful audio element in this project also called for a "splash screen" and potential UI. The project has a very musical feel and also has some powerful voice acting.
The cookbook
As a transmedia project, it not only covers the linear narrative of captain Butrón's adventures, but it also features many different contents to enrich the universe. This time, you get access to an ever-growing book of poem/recipes for your delight. 
This is a sample of the full page of the cookbook. I only do the illustration. Wanna check the others? get the app here 
That's it for now. I hope I get to keep illustrating for this IP and to get illustration jobs as big and involving as this one. ... Thanks for scrolling this far down, by the way :D
Tales for Kids with Beards -The app

Tales for Kids with Beards -The app

Illustrations for the fully launched "Butrón, Cuentos para niños con Barba", a transmedia project form Colombian Author David Rios.
