Valentin Garcia's profile


‘chromosomal exchanges’ is offered as a sequence work, at first through
a manual production on silver film 16mm, a video and an editorial project,
product supposed to be the witness of our investigations. Creating, then,
a lot of back and forth between different technics and mediums used,
I choosed to explore this way of working: the informations failure 
convened by technology switches.

Oscillating between black and white fond footage and colorful dripping, the video production seems to struggle against the development of a parasitical organism, which is protean and intrusive. As the Net artist Jacques Perconte and his cinematic compressions, the materiality of the video support, its code and also
its identity is corrupted, and this because the datamoshing.

Testifying of my researches about the invasion, my editorial production was built in mention. Then, the editorial production is integrated in a science book, copying subjects matter, graphic charts and layouts along with the productive graphic duo Coline Sunier and Charles Mazé for the periodical 2.0.1.


👀 ⤵︎ Experimental meeting between a cell and a photogram leading to random mishap, variations and other visual modifications. After that, creatio Read More
