Vitaly Fedosov sin profil

CRM system for Atelier Marsel Robert

Atelier Marsel Robert — atelier of elite watches' straps.

It's difficult to work with a paper data base of clients and watches' straps. And impossible to scale and integrate this data base with other on-line products. 

Creating straps — complicated and specific process, which needs to analyze individual parameters of each client: watch model, parameters of strap and buckle, client preferences. 

Create CRM system, which automatize connection between clients, managers, tech-director and masters.
This system gives:
- processing of incoming orders;
- fill out the data base;
- distribution orders to masters and control order execution;
- communication between colleagues; 
- add as many managers and masters as it's needed;
- integrate with apps and web-sites.

• Analyze of business-process, data, roles of each persona and their needs.
• UX-design of interfaces for managers, tech-director, masters.
• UI design.
Browse orders
Chat inside every order
We designed many other interfaces and functions
Vitaly Fedosov (UX, UI, art-direction)
Terekhov Denis (tech-direction)
CRM system for Atelier Marsel Robert

CRM system for Atelier Marsel Robert

UX and UI design of CRM system for Atelier Marsel Robert
