Profil von Scott Perket

Zendesk Agent UI Update & Design System

While working on numerous projects, the Zendesk UX team started identifying opportunities for holistic pattern componentry that would benefit our short term needs with individual projects, and allow the team to begin making progress defining and designing patterns for the core Zendesk product. Included are how the core Zendesk agent UI was cleaned up, and snippets of detailed specs for a few of the patterns that influenced these layouts most. 
The team was highly collaborative and able to design a first version of nearly all basic design patterns and styles for the core product pattern library, while collaborating with the Product and Engineering teams to craft a vision for the core Zendesk product, while shipping v1's of many individual projects. 
This is just a glimpse into of a ton of hard work by an awesome group of friends and teammates, especially Amir Hadjihabib, Sara Menefee and Jason Wu. 

View all Agent UI Screens
Top photo credit: Amir Hadjihabib
Zendesk Agent UI Update & Design System

Zendesk Agent UI Update & Design System

Developing a v1 design system for the Zendesk desktop product, with a focus on how the new system cleaned up the agent UX.
