I missed out on the actual jacket design competition for the sixtieth anniversary of Ray Bradbury's classic book, but gave it a shot anyway because it's a favorite of mine and I wanted to experiment. There are so many wonderful covers out there that already use the imagery of the burning book in stunning and creative ways, I felt I should try something different: rather than images of fire, I chose to imply the destruction of fire through the burned edges on the typography and background texture.
For the title's type, I created the letters by hand from a discarded textbook found lying in the woods and then burned them myself; in doing so, I learned an important lesson on just how quickly books burn when fire is taken to them. A cautionary tale, perhaps, on how easily our world could become the world of Fahrenheit 451.
Fahrenheit 451
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Fahrenheit 451

An experimental book cover for Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451, featuring handmade typographical elements.

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