Gravita Website

Projekty WWW
Gravita Homepage
Feed view of most recent case studies, work, quotes, tweets and more. 
Menu Overlay

Listing the most recent case studies and links to work on our collective social channels.
About Gravita
An introduction to Gravita, our philosophy and insights into practising Holacracy.
Photography Case Study
An example of a photography showcase
Brightwire Case Study
Brightwire case study of our partnership in brand, marketing and platform design.
Krow Case Study

A startup design collaboration to record career defining moments. Led by Rosie.

Powered by GSS
"Grid Style Sheets reimagines CSS layout & replaces the browser’s layout engine with
one harnessing the Cassowary Constraint Solver — the same algorithm Apple uses to
compute native layout."

Built by MakerLabs
"We empower designers to make outstanding digital products."

Created by Gravita
Gravita Website