SportGallery™ Identity

The Client
SportGallery™ is an active company in the sports trade and consists of multibrand stores throughout Greece and an e-shop presence.
The Concept
The identity was designed to make the company stand out from the competition and gives a clear and compact nature.
The motion generated by the logo in conjunction with the accompanying pattern and color palette symbolize the progress and speed, values ​​necessary for a sports company. Starting with a clear form of design, the company’s visual communication evolves from within applications that play an important role in the shop. Windows, shopping bags, dynamic presence in print and online.

Creative Direction & Design
KEIK Bureau™

Date Designed
June 2013
SportGallery™ Identity

SportGallery™ Identity

SportGallery™ is an active company in the sports trade and consists of multibrand stores throughout Greece and an e-shop presence.
