Jess Crippss profil

Robert Rauschenberg Exhibit

Robert Rauschenberg Traveling Exhibition
Promotional materials for a traveling exhibition of Robert Rauschenberg's works
Concept and design for a  traveling exhibition of Robert Rauschenberg's work.
The poster design prominently showcases one of his most famous collages, with extra collage elements layered over the work to it to provide the viewer the information on the exhibit. We wanted to reinforce the nature of the artist's work, in this exhibit primarily his collage work.
The magazine spread is for Metro Magazine, Minneapolis and an exhibition at the Walker Art Center.
This work was created as a student project, all dates and exhibitions are imaginary.
Top - Promotional poster for exhibition at the Austin Museum of Art
Bottom - Two page spread for Metro Magazine, Minneapolis for the exhibition at the Walker Art Center
Robert Rauschenberg Exhibit

Robert Rauschenberg Exhibit

Robert Rauschenberg - Major Works Student assignment for a fictional gallery exhibition tour. Two page spread for local magazine plus a promotio Læs mere


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