Trivia: I was asked back in late 2014 by Kamil, to do a graphical concept for a music-collection on the Commodore 64,
which at first involved all members of Multistyle Labs. Only a few members had the time and wish to participate: 
Kamil, Michał, Markus, Marcin and Sascha.

The basic idea was to combine Sid-music with sampled sounds in a new tool / interface Uwe had been working on for quite some time (OxyMod). The conceptual drawings led to some music-covers used as banners on Facebook and Bandcamp. Finally, through early 2015, we had one particular design everyone was happy about and David was invited to code an intro together with me.

During the process, we had several discussions on both the music, the layout and of course naming the collection:  Hextasy, The Grid, Niveaues, Folded, Extended Play, Rave New World, and Music Non Pop (just giving a few examples of the inventiveness).
Whereas I finally thought, it could easily just be called "Modern Love Classics", which was the selected and suitable pick.

Mock-ups for the collection 
Title-image/Cover/Music-selector menu
Introduction title (Later to be the animated face)
Music-selector (Menu)
Logo Sketches
Final selection
With extensive help from Kamil, Markus, David and Uwe much of my graphical intentions & design could be translated
 to work with the very limited memory in the music-play routine and intro of the collection.

Kamil is solely responsible for all the graphics based on some of my concept/graphics in the main music/menu-player. And he is also the main motivator, which without his driving force this collection perhaps would not have been made:
MultiStyle Labs

MultiStyle Labs

(2014 12 23 - 2015 01 12) Mock-up I & II (2014 11 11) "Les Beaux Arts X 2016"
