Shop ElseWhere
Created by Ogilvy & Mather Group, Hong Kong
Regional Executive Creative Director - Daniel Comar / OgilvyAction Asia Pacific
Creative Director - Mehdi Lamloum / Social@Ogilvy Asia Pacific, Andy Reynolds / The Brand Union Hong Kong, Paul Ho / OgilvyAction Hong Kong
Digital Creative - Tyler Whitlock / Social@Ogilvy Asia Pacific
Associate Creative Director - Jonathan Evans / Redworks Hong Kong
Senior Digital Art Director - Josh Thomas / Redworks Hong Kong
Editor - Stuart Howe / Redworks Hong Kong
Senior Designer - Pedro Lopes Pereira / The Brand Union Hong Kong, Elle Poon, Kenny Foo / OgilvyAction Malaysia
Senior Art Director - Jarrod Reginald / OgilvyAction Malaysia, Ricky Cheng / OgilvyAction Hong Kong
Senior Copywriter - Michelle Lim-Chua / OgilvyAction Malaysia
A location based mobile platform that helps local fashion labels win
Hong Kong is a hugely fashion conscious city filled with some of the world’s largest brands. So for independent designers it’s a very tough place to compete. A new approach was needed that would help them increase exposure and reach new clients.
Independent boutique shoppers are on a journey of discovery. They thrive on the hunt and love to create their own individual looks. They are also digitally savvy: comfortable mixing physical, mobile, and social media experiences as they shop.
SHOP ELSEWHERE was a collaborative movement where independent labels recommended each other so they could compete with the big brands. Designers match products and, for each combination, create a unique QR code. After purchase, customers scan the code to discover items they may also like.
By recommending each other’s products, designers instantly increase reach and gain new clients while creating a unique in-store experience for customers.
Shop ElseWhere

Shop ElseWhere

A location based mobile platform that helps local fashion labels win
