Perfil de Fassih Keiso

They Shoot Belly Dancers, don't they? Installation

                                                                  ABC Television, Australia
Installation View, Gertrude Contemporary Spaces, Melbourne, Australia, 1998
Installation View, PS1/MOMA, New York, USA, 2000
Installation View, Victoria College of the Arts Gallery, Melbourne< Australia, 1998 as part of the MFA graduation
Kity's Shop, Gertrude Contemporary Spaces, 1998
VCA Galleries, Melbourne
Installation View, French Cultural Centre, Damascus, Syria, 2005
30 minutes performance, Gertrude Contemporary Spaces, 1998
Stilles from the videos
3 videos used in the installation 
They Shoot Belly Dancers, don't they? Installation

They Shoot Belly Dancers, don't they? Installation

installation project and performance


Sectores creativos