Project 365 // Week 1
Week 1 of my photo a day for 365 days
1/1/2015 - New Years Day dinner being prepared with an essential wee whisky!
2/1/2015 - The plan was to go a walk but it started raining sideways so bowling was the winner!
3/1/2015 - A little bit of darts at the pub to pass some time... and some winning for me in a little tournament we had!
4/1/2015 - A view across Loch Lomond from Luss. Out for some fresh air and some top drawer lentil soup!
5/1/2015 - Back at the gym after over 4 weeks off due to the cold... a wee bit hard going!
6/1/2015 - Long day and terrible weather so definitely a night for watching a film or two! 
7/1/2015 - Early morning rain and traffic on route to the gym and then work make for a marvelous commute!
Project 365 Week 1
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Project 365 Week 1

Week 1 of my photo a day for 365 days project.

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