The is my company website. I was inspired by the colour palette of Heroku but also felt neccessary to involve a lot of white space. I wanted to have a friendly and smart feel of the design but still show professionalism in the execution. Also involved some jQuery elements to display more information effectively and illustrations for a more personal feel. At the end I’m quite satisfied with the results.

The header
The header includes a menu, our logo and a big banner with illustrations showing what we think is unique in our company. The illustrations also tend to give a more warm and friendly look to the website instead of a rigid business page.
Core elements
Different small jQuery powered elements has been placed across the website to show our works, talent, references, services and quotes of our happy clients.
Social media
The social media iconset I have used only included Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook icons but I liked the style so decided to create the rest of the services we use. That's how Slideshare, foursquare got added.
The footer
Our footer is big, bold and contains all the keypoints of the site. It gives direct links to our main products and contact information.
The design has been HTML/CSS coded by me and running on a modx installation. However the site is not 100% done you can see it working on
Since then, the corporate identity and logo of the brand has completely changed.

Web design and development of my own company's website. Digitalyogis or DYW Media Kft. is offering web design and development and online marketin Read More
