Ride On PDX is a skate deck show benefitting art education in the Portland area. It's organized by Megabolt and Jolby and this year's show was hosted at Sincerely Truman. With decks designed by artists around the country, we at Sincerely Truman knew the competition would be steep The Truman board began as an all agency project with ideas flying around and being whiteboarded. From there, a group of three designers ended up executing the project, (Francisco Juarez, Dillon Lawrence, and myself). We synthesized agency wide ideas, and streamlined a few concepts. We eventually arrived at the 'Don't Snake My Line' board. It combined some skate terminology, alongside a fun execution style. Once we had the board concepted we reached out to our favorite partners in crime, MC Laser Labs and talked through a dimensional engraving process. The end result was a crowd-pleasing skate deck that helped raise some funds for local art.

Agency-wide whiteboarding session.
A few of my early sketches
Group sketches
Refining the concept
Dillon Lawrence everybody
A few final touches
Laser engraving complete 
Final board ... with an iphone
The Ride On show ... in the Sincerely Truman space
Three design amigos
There were some amazing boards at the show! Artists included I Love Dust, Aaron Draplin, 
The board ended up being raffled off. The winner was our good friends at Good Coffee. If you're in Portland, head on over to their Division shop to check it out

Design: Tim Weakland, Francisco Juarez, Dillon Lawrence 
Engraving: MC Laser Labs
Ride On PDX

Ride On PDX

Ride On is a skateboard art show that benefits art education.
