Profil appartenant à Ana Radovanović

Zines Club #2 - Ti faccio vedere la mia città

Ti faccio vedere la mia città (Let me show you my city) is a Zine project that is part of a Zine Club.

It is a photo-story. Single elements (photographs) were part of a communication between two people that weren't sharing the same (residence) country any more. Sharing photos was a particular way of communication. Sharing photos meant sharing experiences, moods and thoughts.
Today, these everyday (mostly cell phone) photos of everyday events and landscapes are giving the impression of surroundings and life that these two were living together and apart.
Zine Club is a round robin of international zine trading and distribution.
It is a 1 year + 1 month project where each club member sends a zine in the mail every month, therefore receiving a zine each month. By the end of the project all members will have a zine from everyone and a collection will be made.
Zines Club #2 - Ti faccio vedere la mia città
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Zines Club #2 - Ti faccio vedere la mia città

A visual documentation that created a photo-story about a relationship.

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