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zInspector Mobile UI

zInspector is a mobile/web application in development for the property management industry. The software streamlines the process of a traditional "clipboard and digial camera" property inspection, allowing users to fill out an entire property inspection form on their mobile device. All photos, notes, and inspection data are stored and catalogued in the zInspector web portal, where users can search, sort, and generate reports of their information.
A large portion of zInspector's target users are not tech-savvy individuals, which I took into account when designing the user interface for its applications.
Inspection Screens
zInspector mobile app users can perform a simple "Photo Inspection" or a complete "Property Management Inspection."
The Photo Inspection screen allows users to take individual photos and tag them with a property, inspection activity, area, detail, action item, and comments.
The Property Management Inspection screen is modeled after the California Association of Realtors' Move In / Move Out Inspection form.  Users can create detailed assessments of their rental properties, documenting the conditions of every detail in every room.
Photo Inspection (left) and Property Management Inspection (right)
New Property Builder
Before users can inspect a property for the first time, they have to create a profile for the property in zInspector. The New Property screens allow users to define the rooms at a property, add additional areas, and enter short area descriptions.
New Property screens
New User Tutorial
I designed a series of semi-transparent tutorial overlays to help zInspector's less tech-savvy users get started with the app.
New User Tutorial
zInspector Mobile UI

zInspector Mobile UI

I designed the mobile UI for zInspector, a mobile/web application for the property management industry.
