Young Lions Competitions​​​​​​​
Competition: Cannes Young Lions 2019, participant.
Client: WWF.
Challenge: to tell passive people about planet pollution and make them leave their votes on the website.
Idea: it's a story told by a tiny plastic bottle who had seen the most beautiful paces on Earth throughout his life. But after 200 years he's the only living on this planet, because only plastic is left after peoples' harmful impact.

Competition: Young Lions Belarus 2019, winner.
Client: UNFPA.
Challenge: to raise the problem of abuse and violence against women and make people speak abouit it.
Idea: furniture, decorations and household appliances are true witnesses of domestic violence. The thing is... they can't report violence, because they can't speak. You can.

Competition: Cannes Young Lions 2018, participant.
Client: Global Citizen.
Challenge: to make people speak about women's rights and raise voices for equality on the Global Citizen app.
Idea: Siri has some fun answers to provocative questions and that virtual woman indeed has a character. Imagine that she's still the only woman who can disagree or object to men in some countries where women's rights are not even considered.

Competition: Young Lions Belarus 2018, winner.
Client: UNIHELP.
Challenge: to change a culture of donations in our country and make people believe that every donation to sick children helps.
Idea: we're power when we're together, like sports fans. So let's be fans of sick kids alltogether. It's time to make a nation of people who DO something, a DO-nation!

Competition: Cannes Young Lions 2017, participant.
Client: Recording Academy.
Challenge: to change people's perception about music listening habits and convince them that downloading it illegaly harms the industry, because everything has its price.
Idea: music has the power to change our mood and lifestyle. It can motivate to do sports better than a 300-dollar jogging sneakers or inspire you greater than a 1000-buck piece of art. So why do we take it for granted? Music is priceless, not free.

Competition: Young Lions Belarus 2017, winner.
Client: UNFPA.
Challenge: to stress the importance of sex education among teenagers to prevent unwanted pregnancy and diseases.
Insight: talk to your children before it's too late and they talk to you.

Competition: Young Lions Belarus 2016, shortlist (2nd place).
Client: UNFPA.
Challenge: to tell elderly people that ageing is not the end of life. It can be different: active, positive, fun.
Insight: who can really get through to elderly people? Of cource, their grandchildren, whom they love most and able to listen to.

Competition: Young Lions Belarus 2013, participant.
Client: Office for the rights of persons with disabilities.
Challenge: to support people with disabilities.
Idea: we need to turn the whole world upside down to make comfortable living conditions for people with disabilities. But let's start small: turn this print upside down and you'll see stairs becoming a ramp, telling you to move on and take action in order disabled people could move on.
Young Lions competitions
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Young Lions competitions

Работа на международный конкурс молодых креаторов Young Lions 2013.

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