Christian Mies sin profil

The Medium is the fucking Message.

The Medium is the fucking Message.

Client: Axel Springer AG | Agency: Scholz & Friends Berlin | My role: Creative Director 
Awards: ADC 3x Auszeichungen / DDP Award - 2x Gold / BOB Best of B2B - 1x Gold 

How do we attract the media makers of the future to the venerable Axel Springer Group?
With job advertisements. But not with conventional ones but with those featuring jobs that are still to be invented.

The campaign encompasses a broad range of media channels -- both on- and offline (a microsite, web banners, Facebook and Twitter channels, job ads on Axel Springer's corporate career site, and print adverts).
Its initial spark is a viral film in which the entire executive board features alongside CEO Mathias Döpfner.

Creative Direction: Robert Krause, David Fischer, Philip Wöhler, Christian Mies, Carsten Fillinger
Concept: Marja Annecke, Ina Eisenbeis
Text: Stefan Lenz, Nils Tscharnke
Art Direction: Robert Bilz, Stefan Schuster, Henrik Lehtikangas, Sebastian Frese
Grafik: Silan Bekjarov, Tabea Rauscher
Motion Design: Mario Gorniok, Moril Gnoyke
Agentur-Producer: Agostino De Martino, Nele Siegl
Kundenberatung: Thorsten Schwarck, Mario Friedmann

The Medium is the fucking Message.

The Medium is the fucking Message.

The Medium is the fucking Message.
