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PES fourth graders show true spirit of season

PES fourth graders show true spirit of season

By: Patrick Ross

As can often be the case, adults can look to children as good
examples. And in the case of Paintsville Elementary School
fourth-graders, the students are proving to be good examples of what a
First United Methodist Church Christmas project is all about.
The church hosts an annual “Christmas for Children” project through
which clothing, personal hygiene items and toys are provided to
children in need. Gifts are gathered for the children by individuals
or groups of individuals for selected children whose names are
provided to the church. The children then find them under their
Christmas tree when they wake up on Christmas morning.
Paintsville Elementary fourth-grade students have taken the initiative
to purchase gifts for the selected area children for several years
Mrs. Kim Miller, PES teacher, said, “We have been adopting three
children for Christmas gifts for the last seven years. Mrs. Judy
Combs, a member of the Paintsville First United Methodist Church,
gives us names and we ask our students to provide gifts for children
that might not have a Christmas without them,” she said. Miller said
the fourth-graders opt to not have a classroom gift exchange among
themselves; instead, the children purchase gifts for the three
children adopted through the church program.
Miller said her students started on the Christmas for Children project
on November 3 in order to have plenty of time to purchase and wrap the
The students, their teacher says, are being impacted by helping
children their own age. Another PES teacher, Mrs. Bridgett McClure
said, “Adopting the three children for Christmas makes us all realize
it is much more important to give than to receive. It has provided joy
to the students and the teachers and we are all very excited to help
Miller held a gift wrapping party to get students involved in wrapping
the gifts. She helped the students pick out wrapping paper and bows.
Afterwards, students were treated to a party with a Christmas movie,
cookies and fruit drinks.
All gifts purchased for the “Christmas for Children” program have to
be turned in to the First Methodist Church by Sunday, December 7, as
church members will hold an annual wrapping party on this date.
For additional information about the “Christmas for Children” program,
contact the First United Methodist Church at 789-4354.
PES fourth graders show true spirit of season

PES fourth graders show true spirit of season

PES fourth graders collect for Children in need this holiday season.
