Yachun Shih's profile

Patterns in Nature

Exhibition & Signage
client : Syntrend Creative Park Co.
year : 2014.12
creative field : media facade design
This project is a media facade design of Syntrend building.

Syntrend, an Organic Creative Park

It's brand name "Syntrend" in Chinese means creativity , innovation and startup. It offers services including the purchase of digital products , skill learning , hands-on making and regular seminars . In other words Syntrend is not only a digital product shopping mall but also a platform opened to makers to share digital culture. Syntrend is more like a organic creature changing and growing all the time. And the "cell" of this organic creature is those individuals who come , share and grow with Syntrend.

Digital Aethetics

為展現三創園區獨特的品牌定位,以及針對媒體立面的媒材特殊性,屏棄了以往設計師可完全掌控設計過程的“傳統”動態圖像設計(例如任何由After Effect製作的動態影像),改以直接呈現演算法(algorithm)美學做表現.
在眾多演算法中,選擇“擴散反應模式”(reaction-diffusion pattern)為演算法之基礎.原因一是擴散反應模式最早是由亞倫圖靈(Alan Turing)提出理論,而圖靈為電腦科學之父,擴散反應模式另一個普遍的名稱即為“圖靈模式”(Turing Pattern),讓作品多一道與歷史連結的層次.

To design the media content which matches this unique brand characteristic needs a different approach. To fit the special spec of LED light stripes , the gap between each stripe is 2.5 meters in height, we abandoned traditional motion graphic design which designers control almost everything. We chose to let algorithm speaks for itself.
Among different types of algorithm we chose a reaction-diffusion pattern. One reason is that reaction-diffusion pattern was founded by Alan Turing who was considered the father of computer science. Turing Pattern is the more common name of reaction-diffusion system. It also brings a historical depth to the work.
Pattern in Nature

原因之二是Turing Patter演算的是自然界有機體單位與單位的互動方式,例如:生命最小單位:細胞,藉由細胞與細胞彼此的擴張與擠壓,逐漸生成各種常見於自然界的pattern.因為Turing Pattern演算法模擬的是自然界運作的法則,因此各式仿佛有自主意志生長出來的圖騰,很容易聯想到各種自然界的生物的外皮,例如珊瑚與斑馬.

Turing pattern starts from dots which I consider as cells , the smallest unit of any life form , then grows and transforms into abstract image pattern. Those patterns can easily be associated to the skin  of living creatures for example coral fish and zebras.  Simply because that's how nature creates itself.
The Architecture Makes You Feel It's Intelligent

為了更強化有機體的概念,將媒體立面(media facade)視為是生物的皮膚,具有反應周遭環境狀態的智慧,能依環境變化改變有機外貌.自然界具此特性智慧的生物,如變色龍與章魚.

To enhance the concept of Syntrend as an organic creature we considered media facade as the skin of a creature. It has intelligence to reflect the environment like a chameleon or octopus.

We chose weather information as interactive conditions. Through extracting weather API from internet we apply algorithm conditions included temperature and precipitation to the appearance of media facade. For example on rainy days the pattern starts to grow from the top and goes down like water . When the temperature is high the color of pattern will be in cold color tone which makes people feel cool.  When the temperature is low the pattern will be in warm color tone so people feel warm.
The special property of Syntrend media facade
Unlike ordinary outdoor LED screen this media facade is built with 36 horizonal light stripes on a massive scale. The gap between two light stripes is the floor height of this building (around 2.6 meters) . We considered it as a material between light and animation design. Because the resolution is not enought to make detailed animation but better than light design. So so think the deisgn "between" is the best view point.
Patterns in Nature

Patterns in Nature

How to create a living skin for an architecture.
