2014 Editorial Design Rochester Institute of 
Designer & Art director: Sara Toffolo 
Photographer & Retouching: Karlie Eng
The audience would fallow a similar demographic to PositiveNegative magazine readers. Most would be 20-30 years old and a good chuck of them would be in college. The magazine is centered around Rochester and is produced by college students, so it is likely that most readers would live in Western New York or be related to someone in Western New York. The gender would lean more towards females though the magazine was kept neutral in style to appeal to all crowds. This particular article was intended more towards a female demographic for health-conscious women interested in holistic medicines.

This was made for PositiveNegative magazine.  The spread itself was a positive article revolved around the positive effects of holistic medical options. While the article was not meant to discourage the use of modern medicine, it is more to inform others natural alternatives. The entire look we went for was meant to be earthy and clean. The model was positioned the look curious in front of Spanish moss which also is said to possess medical properties as well as play the symbol of protection in Native American folk lore.
Earth Essentials
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Earth Essentials

Spread designed for PositiveNegative Magazine

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