I created the background graphics above shortly after our rebranding. The design was meant to mimic a spotlight being placed on the video playing — the brand elements shining brightly to the side. This was right around the time when YouTube was experiencing their own redesign into a more mobile-freindly, responsive site. Below are two concept boards created in response to the new interface.
The team had a challenge deciding what photo should be used to represent campus and with such a long rectanglular space, we were limited to panoramic images. In addition to determining the image, we also needed to be sure we were weaving in the new brand elements. The tartan can be seen fading in from the sides in both examples above.
Other image ideas included photo montage (top) and aerial images.
In the end, it was decided to simply go with the brand elements.
youtube graphics

youtube graphics

An evolution of the graphics created for the college's YouTube channel.


Creative Fields