Wall Murals
Project Brief
As part of SP Library Smart Machines Wall Murals project, you are to execute three sets of digital illustrations with the given dimensions and themes. You are to exercise our technical skills and creativity through the use of a vector illustration software to achieve your aim.
Puppets, greyscale and colours represent the transition of a traditional show to a modern television show. During the past when technology is not advanced, we created puppets craved from wood. Puppeteers performed these puppets on a mini stage to tell a story to the audience. 
The puppets have a wide range of varieties on materials, depending on their form and intended use. Hence, the wooden puppets are place in a television set, portraying the transition of traditional to modern shows via putting the subject into the television screen.
Life Cycle
Subsequent stages of a human life cycle start from an infant to a toddler, adult and elderly. Eventually, all human life ends with death. The colorful television set transforms into a black and white version, as it represents how a human life is. 
It is designed to looks like a machine too, to fit in with the theme. The television set pours out the journey of life, where the different stages of human are walking up the path drawn on Earth.
Human beings are evolved from gorillas through many generations of evolution. The gorilla is hugging the television that represents the past and present. We, as a human gain much knowledge when watching news on the television. The gorilla with opacity and the human are being poured out from the paper box. It shows the evolution of human.
Main Library
Student Service Centre
Hilltop Library
Passage Of Time
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Passage Of Time

SP Library Smart Machines Wall Murals project

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