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campus wayfaring signage

Have I mentioned recently how much I LOVE a good challenge?! I was asked to tackle a redesign of the campus signage system. No one was sure what they wanted to see happen — just that it needed to be done. My first step was to investigate what was out there already. So I grabbed my iPhone and went sign hunting.
Our "signage system" was more signage, less system. I turned to the architectural style of our campus for direction.
With a few exceptions, Alma's campus is heavy on Mid-century modern (we even have a collection of beloved Eames chairs that get more use than Charles and Ray could have ever dreamed). I decided to play around with the line and letterforms of the time and created this inspiration board to get myself on track.
This is my concept board after a few rounds of revisions. After determining how our campus used the signs, I was able to narrow down my designs to three variations. I also included color options for the committee.
Sign installed
Sign installed
Sign installed
The newly installed signs have been very well-recieved. Not only do they make campus easier to navigate but they also improve our first impressions with prospective students and their families.
Sign installed
Wall mounted building markers will be in the next phase of the project. 
campus wayfaring signage

campus wayfaring signage

Redesigning our campus wayfaring signage system


Kreative områder