A huge number of truly wise people, sometimes distant from religion, from Islam, with a high degree of respect belonged to the Prophet, may God bless him and greet. We sincerely hope that contemporaries would not forget this, and turn to the origins of this light, to his personality. And will not break the distortion curves.
First good sketch.. Realised that will stay on this form.
Here, you can see the difference between original and vectorised versions.
One of my favorite stages. I repeat — if possible, always do handwritten works. Only this will help you truly feel the movement of the line and divide the letter into components. Well, as Steve said, when you create something new, don’t think about – will people look inside or not? Make it so that all components passed the beauty of the whole.
Usually I level on the eyes, but sometimes, I’d like to use something more accurate.
Here we got a final version!
Many of the wisest people, philosophers talk about Muhammad. For example, Napoleon said: “I hope the time is not far off when I shall be able to unite all the wise and educated men of all the countries and establish a uniform regime based on the principles of Quran which alone are true and which alone can lead men to happiness.” [Napoleon Bonaparte as Quoted in Christian Cherfils, 'Bonaparte et Islam,' Pedone Ed., Paris, France, 1914, pp. 105, 125].
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I've got multiple quotes in Russian, but I can’t find the translations. Sorry.
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A huge number of truly wise people, sometimes distant from religion, from Islam, with a high degree of respect belonged to the Prophet, may God b Read More


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