May Kodama 님의 프로필

15 Westminster Street

The Stairwell of 15 Westminster Street
This assignment required each student to find a location
of interest and to observe its qualities, create an installation
within the space based on these observations, and to
create a printed piece documenting the process, its form
having been inspired by the concept of the installation.
My location for the installation was the emergency stairwell
of my dorm. Despite it being within a lively building always
full of student activity, its stairwell holds a completely different
atmosphere and experience. Very few people use the emergency
stairwell, isolating the space from the rest of the building. The
eerie atmosphere of the space is mostly contributed by the dim
lighting created by a single naked bulb and the echoes that
bounce off the surfaces. As you walk down the stairs and hear
your own footsteps' echoes, you feel a sense of disorientation.
Despite the many horror stories and rumors about the building's
past, its true identitiy is of a modest history.
In order to explore this duality between the rumors and reality,
I recorded normal everyday conversations and distorted them
until they became unsettling, unrecognizable sounds. The plastic
sheets that distort the space add to the disorienting effect of the
odd lighting and echoing within the staircase.
Documentation Book
Mock-ups and Process
Principal typeface: Futura
15 Westminster Street

15 Westminster Street

3 week Design Studio assignment Installation and Documentation Instructor: Jiminie Ha


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